3 Quotes & Sayings By Ana Plascencia

Ana Plascencia (born in Mexico City, Mexico) is a writer and editor. She is the author of two novels: The Girl in the Window (Penguin Books, 2015) and The Only Story (Penguin Books, 2017). Her work has been published in several literary journals such as "The Florida Review," "The Iowa Review," and "The Gettysburg Review." Ana is also a contributor to "PEN America," a literary magazine. She lives in New York City with her husband and three children.

I trutly believe we are a rollercoaster, we are up, down have twist´s, but at the end, you discover you had join it. Ana Plascencia
Then, I feel it; it was a hot that was like a burning sword, fine, slicing my skin in pieces, and not even my jacket could protect me from the hot. Then it goes, as unexpected like it came, lifting dirt from the floor and a smell I remember, metal, and the only thing it could be: blood. Ana Plascencia